
Hello to my newest nephew! The best part of being a baby photographer is getting to snuggle and capture your own family’s little ones. He was super content and gave his smiles freely. A few hours spent together in my very warm studio made for a very sleepy little guy and one very happy auntie….

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! It’s already February but who cares! the rules are thrown out the window these days. Wishing everyone a better year this year. The end is in sight and soon we will all be having as much fun as Marina did during this session…at least until a bit of glitter got in her…

Sweet Baby V

I first met this family years ago when this beautiful mama taught my daughter in a Bollywood dance class over at Deas Island Dance. She’s super talented and has the cutest family that I’ve had the pleasure of photographing several times already. We had a great studio session and captured the sweetest little lady who…

Spring Newborn

I was so honoured to meet yet another sweet baby from this amazing family. I’ve photographed so many beautiful babies and children from their extended family and it was wonderful to meet the newest addition to their clan! We spent a lovely few hours in my warm studio cuddling and capturing the moments. Newborn sessions…

Hello Baby Walter!

Loved seeing this family again and meeting their new son Walter! I first met them three and a half years ago when their daughter was born and now they have a sweet baby boy to add to the mix. He had the chubbiest little cheeks and a sweet sleepy disposition, my favourite things in a…